hadjer labadi

- labbadi.hadjer@univ-guelma.dz
- hadjer.labadi@hotmail.fr
Thesis title
Thesis title (Ar)
Thesis title (Fr)
keywords (Ar)
keywords (Fr)
Research interestThe development that the world is witnessing today, which is represented in the process of transition from monetary to non-monetary economics thanks to The financial technology that helps in strengthening the digital economy, which has become the dominant feature of modern economies, the traditional economic methods are no longer able to compete with those countries that have made great strides In the field of information and communication technology, and one of these technologies we find The Blockchain Technology, which is considered one of the finest applications of the financial technology, where this technology can be applied in the Islamic Sukuk market through the smart contracts feature, which is considered one of the most important solutions of the problems those facing the agreements that take place between the parties of the molding process Which we hope will contribute to the development of the Islamic financial market.
Abstract (Ar)
مع التطور الذي يشهده العالم اليوم و المتمثل في عملية التحول من الاقتصاد النقدي إلى الاقتصاد غير النقدي بفضل التكنولوجيا المالية التي تساعد في تعزيز الاقتصاد الرقمي والمعرفي، الذي أصبح السمة الغالبة للاقتصاديات الحديثة، ولم تعد الطرق الاقتصادية التقليدية قادرة على منافسة تلك الدول التي قطعت أشواطا كبيرة في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات، و أحد هذه التكنولوجيات نجد تكنولوجيا البلوكتشين التي تعتبر من أروع تطبيقات التكنولوجيا المالية، حيث يمكن تطبيق هذه التكنولوجيا في سوق الصكوك الإسلامية من خلال ميزة العقود الذكية التي تعتبر من أهم حلول المشاكل التي تواجه الاتفاقيات التي تتم بين أطراف عملية التصكيك التي نأمل أن تساهم في تطوير السوق المالية الإسلامية.
Abstract (Fr)
The development that the world is witnessing today, which is represented in the process of transition from monetary to non-monetary economics thanks to The financial technology that helps in strengthening the digital economy, which has become the dominant feature of modern economies, the traditional economic methods are no longer able to compete with those countries that have made great strides In the field of information and communication technology, and one of these technologies we find The Blockchain Technology, which is considered one of the finest applications of the financial technology, where this technology can be applied in the Islamic Sukuk market through the smart contracts feature, which is considered one of the most important solutions of the problems those facing the agreements that take place between the parties of the molding process Which we hope will contribute to the development of the Islamic financial market.
Scientific publications
1. Blockchain Technology Application in the UAE Banking Industry
2.How Blockchain Technology could reshape the Financial Industry
3.The future of blockchain-based crowdfunding in the Arab countries: prospects
and challenges
Scientific conferences
1. الصكوك الاسلامية كبديل تمويلي لمشروعات التنمية في الجزائر خلال الفترة 2010-2019
2.Applications of Blockchain in Healthcare: Insights on COVID-19
3. Challenges and Success Factors of Fintech in Islamic Banks
4.Impact of Fintech on financial inclusion and stability
5.The impact of Cryptocurrencies on Financial Sector